flight school in Fort Worth TEXAS?
okay I am 14, fifteen in october...I was wandering if there is a flight school for teenagers that I could go to like after school or in the summer. Any ideas? Please Help!!!
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The one I was looking at (although I'm not a teenager) in Arlington was http://www.skymates.com/courses.php which says you can start at any age, but just can't solo until you're 16 and get a certificate until you're 17. http://www.pro-aircraft.com/courses.asp , which has their basic courses at Hicks Field (Saginaw area, north of Fort Worth) and advanced at Meacham, lists the same age requirements, so I assume that's state law. I don't think it's FAA regulations because it seems like I've heard of younger people getting licenses, but I could be wrong. Or, just Google Fort Worth flight schools: http://www.google.com/search?q=fort+worth+flight+school&sourceid=navclient-ff&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1B3GGGL_enUS255US264